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Chantelle BennettOffline

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  • Counselling, Psychology, Emotional support, aptitude and career assessments, and career guidance


Psychoeducational Workshops
Psychometric Assessments (Aptitude and Career)

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Counselling is a collaborative relationship between the client and counsellor. The aim is to create an emotionally safe space foe the clients to explore, discover, clarify and learn ways to cope with their challenges and struggles. The goal is to enhance and promote positive growth, well-being and mental health of individuals


I am a lighthouse rather than a lifeboat. I do not rescue, but instead help others find their way to shore.

Barbara Kipfer

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About me

Chantelle Bennett

Registered Counsellor in private practice

My name is Chantelle Bennett, I am a Registered Counsellor, registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).  I completed my Bachelor of Psychology Degree at the South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) (Cum Laude).

I am passionate about accompanying people on their journey towards personal growth, self-awareness and overall wellbeing. I believe in establishing an authentic, understanding, safe and warm counselling relationship with my clients, optimizing their psychological wellbeing. I focus on the individual and tailor-make each counselling session to each client's age and individual needs. I aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for my clients, where they can openly discuss and explore their challenges, free from judgement.

I have my own practice located at Aspen House (Aspen Village Shopping Centre)

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