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WeBuzz (Pty) LtdOffline

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  • Connecting you to the world


Monetise Your Event
Connect all your social media platforms.
Connecting with people and businesses
Promoting your business
Create and Manage Events
Digital business card

Services & Products

Free Mini Website / Landing Page

Create a profile for your business, organization or club that acts as a mini website. Link all your social media platforms in one place. Advertise your products and services. Showcase your skills and promote a workshop or project you recently did or are doing. Share this one link with the world and they get access to you, your other platforms and your marketing material.

Digital Business Card

Digicard functionality. Buttons that your customers or prospect can click or press to activate that communication channel. The following buttons are available: * Phone Me * Email Me *My Website * Book Meeting (Online Calendar) * My Next Event * My Latest Blog * WhatsApp Me *Facebook Messenger Me * Telegram Me. Tell us which other buttons you would like us to develop.

Create & Manage Groups

Setup your own community group on the platform. Groups can be private or public. Groups are ideal for sharing information, getting answers to questions, share training material, collaborate with like mind people or businesses. Share images, videos, documents. Runn polls, share thoughts, ask questions, received feedback. Link groups to webinars or in person events.

Event Management

Create and promote events. You are in control. Monetise events with PayFast or your normal transactional bank account. Instantly receive ticket proceeds into your Payfast account. Setup the event with images, descriptions, ticket types, price of tickets, when tickets go on sale, when the tickets close date is. Link events to your own PayPal account so you get the proceed directly to you when people buy tickets for your stunning event. Run online events or in person. In person events link to Google Maps. Online events provide details to your Zoom, Teams, Google meet url. Manage attendees, download attendee list with contact details.

Promote your business

Advertise services, skills, products by creating your own mini website / landing page. Link all your social media platforms to your mini website. Promote your skills and services. upload promotional material and showcase projects you have worked on. Share your site with the world. Everything in place to make it easier for your clients and prospects to see what you have to offer and link through to other platforms. Easy share options to promote your profile on other platforms.



Share one link - Connect and Thrive


WeBuzz Video

Like Bees feed the hive and pollinate flowers that keep the planet living, so WeBuzz grows human beings, business, schools and clubs.

Come learn from your peers online. Join events to increase your knowledge and promote your business.

Monetise yuor events. Get paid instantly for ticket sales.

WeBuzz Features - PayFast

About me


Central portal to manage your business, club, school, charity.

WeBuzz is a central point to create a buzz about your business.


It is one platform that includes:

Your own Mini Website / Digital Business Card.

Links to all your social media pages.

Integration to an online diary and more.

Event creation and management linked to your PayFast account for instant proceeds of your tickets sales. No PayFast account no problem, get proceeds paid out on event closure to your normal transactional bank account. 

Forums and groups to expand or share  your knowledge.


Contact me buttons for people to get in touch with via different methods.


Collaborate with similar businesses via the platform.


Instead of sharing 5 or 7 different links to your different platforms and social media come house everything in one place.


Your clients will be so happy you did.

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October 20, 2020
Great concept. Ideal platform to promote yourself and or your business and services. Get paid for your events and time. All in one place. Super idea.