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Chantelle BennettOffline

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  • Counselling, Psychology, Emotional support, aptitude and career assessments, and career guidance

About me

Chantelle Bennett

Registered Counsellor in private practice

My name is Chantelle Bennett, I am a Registered Counsellor, registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).  I completed my Bachelor of Psychology Degree at the South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) (Cum Laude).

I am passionate about accompanying people on their journey towards personal growth, self-awareness and overall wellbeing. I believe in establishing an authentic, understanding, safe and warm counselling relationship with my clients, optimizing their psychological wellbeing. I focus on the individual and tailor-make each counselling session to each client's age and individual needs. I aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for my clients, where they can openly discuss and explore their challenges, free from judgement.

I have my own practice located at Aspen House (Aspen Village Shopping Centre)

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