Please check your email spam folder for the activation link email.

White list the email address for future correspondence so it does not go into your junk / spam folder.

If it is not in the spam folder the double check that you created the account with the correct email address. Try creating a new account with the same email. If you are notified that an account already exists with that email address then please contact the support desk to assist with your query.

Activation links last up to 24h.

No. Only one email address is allowed to be registered on the site.

Recommend creating a few Gmail accounts for extra profiles

Yes you can upgrade or downgrade at any time. However you won’t be refunded any subscriptions paid for that month.

Suggest downgrading towards the end of a month

Yes, messages to members that you select in the to field are private. i.e. Only that member can read / view your messages.

Note that you can send a message to multiple friends, in which case all those friends you selected will receive the same message.

No the site administrator needs to approve the comments.

The site administrator needs to assess the appropriateness of the comments made on events and if in order will release them for the community to see.

You will receive notifications of messages to your email inbox if you have selected this option on your profile settings.

There are various messages, group notifications etc. That you can either accept to receive or not via your email account.

Yes your subscription is automatically set to recur each month.

If you are a paying member then your membership fees will be due every month until you either downgrade to the free version or cancel your subscription altogether.

Yes. Under account settings / Account Privacy you can set this to either all members can see your profile or only your friends.
