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Jacques MaraisOffline

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  • Litho print of all office stationery as well as silkscreen print Calendars, diaries, brochures, desk pads, labels and we do signage from wallpapers to custom built signs for your office.
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July 31, 2023
Jacques runs one of the best printing businesses I have come across in all my years of business. Graphic Imprint always goes out of their way to ensure that my requirements are met perfectly every time. Whether it is business cards, brochures or a custom vehicle wrap I know I can reply on Jaques and his extensive team to provide top quality printed products at an affordable price. Thank you Jacques for your excellent service to my businesses.
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About me

Jacques Marais

Managing Director

  • Jacques studied Print & Marketing at Jhb Technical College
  • Parttime Jacques did modeling and also did some work as an extra for movie sets and tv adverts
  • He recently appeared in a series for Showmax
  • After completing his studies, Jacques became the youngest Key Accounts Manager in the industry at the age of 20
  • Jacques’s clients namely Edgars, Sales House, MultiChoice, Primedia to name but a few and this opened doors for him
  • Jacques’s experience with the “fashion magazines” aided him to secure a job to run the campaign to launch DSTV in South Africa as well as Sun City’s own “LOST CITY”.
    • He also worked on the campaign to launch Hyundai in Africa
  • During this time Jacques helped to launch numerous magazines where he was responsible for the layout, design and colour retouching
  • He worked with most of the printing processes and therefore has vast knowledge of print
  • In 1999 Jacques started his own printing business and over the years bought and owns the largest printing company in the Vaal.
  • Jacques believes that you can achieve anything you want by working hard, smart and setting goals for yourself
  • Jacques loves the outdoors and spends every moment possible with his 2 daughters and his wife

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. ...

Believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities!

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July 31, 2023
Jacques runs one of the best printing businesses I have come across in all my years of business. Graphic Imprint always goes out of their way to ensure that my requirements are met perfectly every time. Whether it is business cards, brochures or a custom vehicle wrap I know I can reply on Jaques and his extensive team to provide top quality printed products at an affordable price. Thank you Jacques for your excellent service to my businesses.